Monday, December 29, 2008

Sister reads her first words

Sister loves books and loves to read. She constantly asks me to read to her. Lately, she has taken a huge interest in letters and the sounds they make. She can identify all letters by sight and knows the sounds that they make. Today, she was walking around the house saying a letter and its sound. I took her to the refrigerator and took her magnetic letters out of the drawer. I put the letters "A" and "T" on the refrigerator and asked her to sound them out. She looked at them and said, "A...T...A...T...AT...AT...AT!" We were both very excited and did a dance around the kitchen. Then, I put "B" in front of the word and asked her to read that word. Again, she sounded it out; however, this time she remembered that "A" and "T" make "at" so she sounded it out "B...AT...B...AT...BAT...BAT!" Needless to say, Sister is very excited about her new found discovery and can't wait to read a book all by herself.

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