I don't normally take my camera to birthday parties. I mean, come on, it's hard enough to interact with my two kids at a party to begin with. However, when my friend told me that her daughter's fourth birthday party would be at "My Little Dollhouse," I knew I had to have the camera ready.
We arrived at the same time as our friend, Q. Sister and Q used to spend a lot of time together when her mom and I worked together at Natural Lullabies. Sadly, the girls haven't seen each other in quite some time, which made this a special treat. We went in together where B, the birthday girl, helped them pick out their perfect princess dresses. They made their way to the makeup counter where they got their nails painted, makeup applied, and hair fixed.
I was in awe of how still and quiet these girls sat waiting for their turns. I don't know if it was the amazement of the princess or if this place sneaks something in their glitter dust but these girls were amazing.
Sister, all dolled up:
You may not be able to see the glitter in this picture, but I assure you, it's there!
The Prince and The Princess:

After all of the girls got their hair and makeup done, it was time for the fashion show. Each girl had a turn to come onto the stage. Sister did her little dance, complete with spins and jumps:

A group of the girls danced together on the stage. Of course, Sister was right there in the action. Her favorite part of the party was dancing on the stage. At one point, Sleeping Beauty and another worker brought all of the girls on stage and they did the "Princess Pokey," which is pretty much the "Hokey Pokey" but has them put in their diamond ring (instead of hand), glass slipper (instead of foot), and tiera (instead of head).

The attempt to get a picture with all of the girls together. Easier said than done:
Sister and her best friend, E, making silly faces:
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