On a dreary Thursday morning, we ventured out to the Pumpkin Patch. This ended up being an unexpected perfect day. For the entire hour and a half during our visit, we were the only people present. The children had the run of the patch and even the dads were able to come over for a while.
Brother found the tractor, and though he couldn't reach the petals, loved sitting on it by himself.

Sister and C also took turns:

I wonder what deep, theological issues the boys are discussing. It was hard for us to
interpret, since they mostly say "no" (which means yes for C) and "
dat" (which means everything for Brother).

Sister and E as they went through all the little pumpkins to pick out which they were going to buy:

The four children together in the wagon; one of the few pictures we have of all four together (I guess we have to contain them in
something with walls in order to accomplish that feat!):
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