Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter with the Extended Family

So, we have been in our new house for about three weeks, so the next logical decision is to host Easter for 20, right? Nothing says welcome home like staying up all night to cook and decorate!
My wonderful SIL has hosted Easter for the past couple of years. This year, she is nine months pregnant; a good reason not to have people over! Daddy and I had the brilliant idea to grill hamburgers (and veggie burgers!) with lots of sides. Unfortunately, it was pouring rain on Easter. Still, Daddy managed to get two grills going and followed though on his promise.
After eating, the six kids (Brother not included) did Easter Egg Bowling, colored ceramic eggs, and did the highly anticipated Easter Egg Hunt. Since the yard was soaking wet, we had to move the hunt indoors. Much of our furniture is still at the old house until inspections are finalized, and today I was very thankful that we had some empty rooms. I split the kids into boys (three five- and six-year-olds) and girls (three three-year-olds). The boys did their hunt first in the front room.

Next, the girls went to the master bedroom (which will be our study once we get our furniture) for their hunt. Sister and her girl cousins waited together outside the door...

...and then ran into the room!
There weren't many hiding places, but the girls had a great time.

Sister after filling her basket...she was getting tired and didn't want to smile.

Finally, Grammy and the six older grandchildren sat together on the stairs. Brother was asleep at this point, which was probably just as well since it was almost impossible to get a picture of the kids. This was the best from the bunch:
After everybody left, Brother nursed and fell asleep on Mama while Sister snuggled Daddy and fell asleep on his shoulder. We sat together with our sleeping sweeties listening to the rain.

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