Sister had her very first Christmas dance performance last night. She has been talking about it for weeks and making everybody sing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" so she can dance.
We got there early and watched some of the other classes perform. According to the news, it was the coldest day since March, and poor Sister was freezing. Just before she had to go on, she was crying because her feet were so cold they hurt. However, you couldn't tell that she was cold once she was on stage...Sister happily danced to her song and had a great time! She was one of the few in her class that did most of the dance moves; several of the girls just stood there and one cried the entire time. As an added treat, Grandma surprised Sister with pink daises after her performance.
Once she got off stage, we rebundled her in her coat and scarf. Sister just shivered so hard her whole body shook. We decided it would be a good time to leave, so we got in the car and went home.
Sister says she had a great time, except (in her words)
"I sad I only dance to one song. I want to dance more and more and more times!"