In the fastest turnaround that I have ever seen with this professor, I got my grade for my last regular class - an "A". This means that I have finished my coursework with a 4.0 GPA! Assuming I don't completely botch my dissertation, I should graduate with a perfect record at NCU.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
It is done.
Last night (more accurately, 1:03 this morning), I submitted my final for ED5020-Applied Statistics. That was the last final exam I will ever have. January 1st I begin the RSH/DIS track, thus initiating the journey towards the dissertation (although I guess one could say that the last seven years have all been part of this journey). It is kind of bittersweet knowing that I am done. I will never have another final exam or another letter grade (from here on out it is all S/U). Of course, the hard part is just now starting, but I am excited to start the research phase.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sister reads her first words
Sister loves books and loves to read. She constantly asks me to read to her. Lately, she has taken a huge interest in letters and the sounds they make. She can identify all letters by sight and knows the sounds that they make. Today, she was walking around the house saying a letter and its sound. I took her to the refrigerator and took her magnetic letters out of the drawer. I put the letters "A" and "T" on the refrigerator and asked her to sound them out. She looked at them and said, "A...T...A...T...AT...AT...AT!" We were both very excited and did a dance around the kitchen. Then, I put "B" in front of the word and asked her to read that word. Again, she sounded it out; however, this time she remembered that "A" and "T" make "at" so she sounded it out "B...AT...B...AT...BAT...BAT!" Needless to say, Sister is very excited about her new found discovery and can't wait to read a book all by herself.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sister meets a "real" ballerina
Sister LOVES anything dance/ballet. So when the opportunity arose for Daddy to take Sister to a free showing of the Nutcracker, both were very excited. Daddy took her early and took advantage of the chance to meet one of the performers. Sister was in heaven as she took a picture with the dancer and then watched the show.
Christmas Traditions
As an adult, I love Christmas. Growing up, it was a very stressful time for my family as we had to travel eight hours away, visit family that we only saw twice a year, and try to appease everybody except ourselves. We (my mom, dad, brother, and I) stopped doing this after I met my now husband. Now, I have a renewed love for the holiday season and strive to create positive memories for my children.
Over the years, we have started our own Christmas traditions. Here are some of our favorites:
* Christmas Cards: We take our Christmas card picture on Thanksgiving; this year was the first time that we broke that tradition since Sister was born, as we used a family picture that a professional photographer took shortly after Brother was born. I also took a picture of the kids in their Christmas clothes to put on it. We always put a picture of the entire family on the card; it is fun to look back over the years at how all of us have changed. We usually get cards out before December 1; one friend jokes that ours is always the first card she receives!
*Christmas Tree: We set up the tree Thanksgiving afternoon, after spending lunch with Daddy's family and before dinner with Mommy's family.
* Christmas Ornaments: Every year I buy an ornaments for each child to signify a special event or accomplishment for the year. For example, this year Sister got an ornaments that had a heart, ballet slipper, and said "ballet" because she has loved dance this year, had her first recital, and done a lot with ballet. In the past, she got a shoe (the year she learned how to walk) and a phone (the year she learned how to speak in sentences).
*Christmas Angel: Instead of the kids getting presents from us (because they get so many from other family members), we choose children off the Salvation Army Angel Tree of the same age and sex, then let the kids buy presents for them.
*Christmas Cookies: We just started this tradition this year. I made cookies with Sister (while Brother watched) to take to Daddy at work the next day. Instead of surprising Daddy at work, Sister told him all about it as soon as he walked in the door. Leave it to a three year old to spill the secret!
*Christmas in Branson: Another first this year, we went to Branson with my parents. We had a great time and plan to do it every year.
*Reading the Birth of Jesus: Christmas morning, we read the story of Jesus' birth. As the kids get older, they will take on the job of reading the story.
*Christmas with Family: Every year, we spend Christmas Eve night with my parents, Christmas morning at home, Christmas lunch with Daddy's family (we switch off each year between his dad's side and his mom's side), and another time with Daddy's parents/siblings/siblings family (it used to be Christmas night but that proved to be too much for the kids, so now it just depends on everybody's schedules)
Over the years, we have started our own Christmas traditions. Here are some of our favorites:
* Christmas Cards: We take our Christmas card picture on Thanksgiving; this year was the first time that we broke that tradition since Sister was born, as we used a family picture that a professional photographer took shortly after Brother was born. I also took a picture of the kids in their Christmas clothes to put on it. We always put a picture of the entire family on the card; it is fun to look back over the years at how all of us have changed. We usually get cards out before December 1; one friend jokes that ours is always the first card she receives!
*Christmas Tree: We set up the tree Thanksgiving afternoon, after spending lunch with Daddy's family and before dinner with Mommy's family.
* Christmas Ornaments: Every year I buy an ornaments for each child to signify a special event or accomplishment for the year. For example, this year Sister got an ornaments that had a heart, ballet slipper, and said "ballet" because she has loved dance this year, had her first recital, and done a lot with ballet. In the past, she got a shoe (the year she learned how to walk) and a phone (the year she learned how to speak in sentences).
*Christmas Angel: Instead of the kids getting presents from us (because they get so many from other family members), we choose children off the Salvation Army Angel Tree of the same age and sex, then let the kids buy presents for them.
*Christmas Cookies: We just started this tradition this year. I made cookies with Sister (while Brother watched) to take to Daddy at work the next day. Instead of surprising Daddy at work, Sister told him all about it as soon as he walked in the door. Leave it to a three year old to spill the secret!
*Christmas in Branson: Another first this year, we went to Branson with my parents. We had a great time and plan to do it every year.
*Reading the Birth of Jesus: Christmas morning, we read the story of Jesus' birth. As the kids get older, they will take on the job of reading the story.
*Christmas with Family: Every year, we spend Christmas Eve night with my parents, Christmas morning at home, Christmas lunch with Daddy's family (we switch off each year between his dad's side and his mom's side), and another time with Daddy's parents/siblings/siblings family (it used to be Christmas night but that proved to be too much for the kids, so now it just depends on everybody's schedules)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas at Branson
For Christmas this year, my parents took the entire family to Branson. On Monday we went to Silver Dollar City. Tuesday, we went shopping, looked at Christmas lights, and went out to dinner.
It was freezing at Silver Dollar City (it never got above 30 degrees the entire time we were at the park) but we still had a great time.
Sister had never sat on Santa's lap before, so this was a first for her. She had no idea what he was talking about when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas (we don't do the Santa thing or much of presents for that matter, so this was a pretty foreign concept).
Christmas Day with Daddy's Family
Every Christmas day we spend lunch with his family.
The family keeps getting bigger every year!
Grammy with Brother and Sister.
Christmas Night
Christmas night, Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle G. came to our house for the traditional Christmas dinner of cheese enchiladas.
Christmas at Grammy's House
The day after Christmas, we went to Grammy's house to celebrate Christmas with Grammy, PaPa, three other aunts and uncles, and five other cousins.
Sister and Cousin R. played while they waited for everybody else to arrive. Once the entire family got to Grammy's we ate salad and pizza.
Sister and Brother snuggling on the chair before opening presents.

...and serious!
Daddy and Sister being silly...
...and serious!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas Preview
With Christmas next week, I wanted to post some pictures of the kids in their Christmas outfits.
Sleeping Beauty
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Game Night
Tonight was our first official family game night. After dinner we set up a board game and played it as a family. Although during the day, Sister and I play enough "Candy Land" to make me want to go colorblind, it was great to play as a family. Tonight, Sister got to pick the game. She chose "Chutes and Ladders" and went on to win. We are going to start doing Family Game Night every Wednesday night. Next week, we will start making a treat, like cookies, to go along with our game. Perhaps gingerbread people with colored frosting to look like the game pieces in "Candy Land"...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Rhema Christmas Lights
The night after Thanksgiving we went to Rhema to see the Christmas lights with all of the cousins.
Here is Sister and Cousin R. as they try to stay warm.
Four Generations
Sister, Mom (Sister's mom), Grandma (Sister's mom's mom),
and GreatGrandma (Sister's mom's mom's mom):
This picture was taken when Sister was five weeks old. We went to Kansas to see her maternal GreatGrandparents for the first time. This trip was extra-special because GreatGrandma passed away four weeks later.
Brother, Dad (Brother's dad), PaPa (Brother's dad's dad),
and GreatGrandpa (Brother's dad's dad's dad)
My two angels in blue. We spent Thanksgiving lunch with Grammy and PaPa (plus two aunts, two uncles, three cousins, Greatgrandma, and Greatgrandpa). Then, we had dinner with Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle G.
This was their first time to see Brother.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Sister's Christmas Performance
Sister had her very first Christmas dance performance last night. She has been talking about it for weeks and making everybody sing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" so she can dance.
We got there early and watched some of the other classes perform. According to the news, it was the coldest day since March, and poor Sister was freezing. Just before she had to go on, she was crying because her feet were so cold they hurt. However, you couldn't tell that she was cold once she was on stage...Sister happily danced to her song and had a great time! She was one of the few in her class that did most of the dance moves; several of the girls just stood there and one cried the entire time. As an added treat, Grandma surprised Sister with pink daises after her performance.
Once she got off stage, we rebundled her in her coat and scarf. Sister just shivered so hard her whole body shook. We decided it would be a good time to leave, so we got in the car and went home.
Sister says she had a great time, except (in her words)
"I sad I only dance to one song. I want to dance more and more and more times!"
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Halloween with the cousins
After Cousin R recovered from being sick, we all went over to her house the Sunday after Halloween. This gave the kids all one last chance to wear their costumes and play before the cold weather moved in. We took advantage of the nice weather and grilled hamburgers (and veggie burgers!) outside. After eating dinner, the kids played in the yard.
Halloween Night
We planned on spending Halloween night with Daddy's brother and his family, as we do every Halloween. However, Cousin was sick this year, so we had to cancel. Instead, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was a beautiful night for Trick-or-Treating, so Daddy, Mommy, Sister, Brother, and Uncle G all went out for a couple of hours walking around the neighborhood (Brother didn't walk so much as sleep in his wrap).
Saturday, November 1, 2008
No more Halloween pictures...for now
The good news is we got a "new" camera for free; one much smaller than our current camera.
The bad news is since it was used, it doesn't have any cables to go with it.
So, the rest of the Halloween pictures that we took with that camera are trapped on there, at least until we can buy something to download pictures.
The bad news is since it was used, it doesn't have any cables to go with it.
So, the rest of the Halloween pictures that we took with that camera are trapped on there, at least until we can buy something to download pictures.
Preschool Group - Pumpkins
In honor of Halloween, our preschool group put our Before Five In A Row lessons on hold and did an entire day of pumpkins. First, each child got his or her own pumpkin. They took them into the bathtub to see if pumpkins sink or float.
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